When Lead Your Firm came to us, they wanted more tools for their website to help them generate leads. We’d built their website, and we’d already created one DISC Mini-Assessment for them, but they had another idea for a tool that aligned perfectly with their brand.
The tool would be designed to help their potential clients—independent registered investment advisors (RIAs)—to identify the values that matter most to them so that they can more actively manage their brand and craft it to be unique to them.
The Values Sort Tool
The tool is a simple form that has a long checklist of possible values that someone might want to apply to their business, like discipline, dependability, open-mindedness, loyalty, ambition, etc.

Potential clients are asked to rank each of the dozens of choices as either very important, somewhat important, or not important.
Once everything is ranked, the tool narrows down the list with an algorithm and then presents the potential client with only a handful of values to choose from. They then have to pick 5.
Next, the tool emails them their results in a fillable PDF worksheet that also includes some questions for them to answer and space to do that right in the PDF.
They can either go through the worksheet themselves, or they can schedule an appointment with someone from Lead Your Firm to discuss their results (and hopefully become a client).
Once the tool was set up alongside the DISC Mini-Assessment, their website now had two powerful lead-generation tools to help our client grow.
Got an Idea for a Tool on Your Website? We Can Help
If you’ve been thinking about adding a complex tool to your website to help your customers or generate leads, we can help.